01 Macadam massacre
02 Warnung an die Bevoelkerung
03 L'empereur tomato ketchup
04 Petit agite
05 Jim-la-Jungle
06 Nuit appache
07 Descendons dans la rue
08 Fils de ...
09 Commando Pernod
10 Nuit noir
11 Manifeste
12 Vive le feu
13 Le renard
14 Il tua son petit frere
15 Helene et le sang
16 Ibrahim
17 Vivre libre ou mourrir
18 La mort au choix > Danse a la mort
19 Les Rebelles
20 Porcherie
21 Lobotomie
22 Salut a toi
soundboard recording
source: mastertape>flac>mp3 320kbps
running time: 78 min.
filesize: 179 mb
mp3 320kbps 179mb
thanks for BxNx recording :-)
AntwortenLöschenbut can we have a flac version???
flac link posted
AntwortenLöschenmany many thanks for the flac links :-)
AntwortenLöschenThis one is Live At The Squat Reitschule,Bern. one of the tracks (l'emperur tomato-ketchup) was published on gig compilation cd by BxN "Carnaval des Agites". Cheers!
AntwortenLöschendachstock=reitschule, i know, i was at that gig...
didn't know that. now i know. thanx for the info and for this pretty one too of course. best wishes!
AntwortenLöschenThis is beyond awesome, Thanks a lot for sharing !!
AntwortenLöschenFreundliche Grüssen.
i found that show elsewhere on the internet.. but i want to thank you personally to get that record out of the attic.
AntwortenLöschensome artwork i made if someone's intersted
thanks for the artwork jojo!
AntwortenLöschenHello ! can you re-upload this tape the link is dead. Thanx !
AntwortenLöschenhi rare-punx.
AntwortenLöschencheck new download link!
Thanx !
LöschenI can't download the file : error 502 bad gateway
Löschenit works when i try... anyway try this http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dmmn1nx4jtj
AntwortenLöschenThank you soooo much for this!
AntwortenLöschenI was looking for this recording for decades!
Danke swiss tapes, definitiv das wichtigste Konzert in meinem Leben!
AntwortenLöschenMeins auch . War damals total B.N. Fan
LöschenIs it possible to re-up that Béru Dachstock gigs in Bern PLS ?
AntwortenLöschenhi, check new link...